So i was thinking about catching everyone up since Halloween but it just seems so long ago. The beans had a great time at their birthday party and thank you so much to everyone that joined them. They had a blast eating those cupcakes and guess what everyone that said the clothes needed to be tossed out because they were stained was wrong!!! I got Karl's shirt sparkling white all over again and the girls dresses are pink..Boy i am such a miracle worker don't you think??..lol The beans got so many gifts from toys, jewelry, money, clothes, shoes and more toys. My garage is a babies r us store and my attic is now toys r us. We decided to purchase new strollers with some of the kids bday money so basically we now have a double graco stroller, a single graco stroller, the peg pereggo triple stroller, a combi single and combi double. I have decided the combi takes up less space in the trunk of the minivan compared to the graco strollers, it folds up and down quickly but the combi is a side by side stroller which makes it hard to use when shopping because I cant fit around the clothing racks and up and down aisles. The graco double stroller is not a side by side and that thing folds down pretty big but its easy to go shopping with. Who would have ever thought at 30 years old I am comparing strollers after strollers... I have found since the kids came out of the infant car seats the peg pereggo stroller has been a huge waste of money because i can barely fit that thing in the minivan and I need to take the wheels off ughhh its just a pain in the ass period. So enough about strollers lets go back to the beans-everyone was sick for about 2 weeks leading up to their birthdays with some type of stomach virus then Karl's face broke out so back to the Dr we went apparently he has eczema but the specialist is in the middle of testing him for allergies. Lets keep our fingers crossed he isn't allergic to the dogs. Since I didnt do my typical monthly update here it goes just a little late for each bean...It seems with the stomach virus they lost some weight..
Arianna- Has become a fresh little girl and likes to hit and yell at her brother and sister. She finally has a 4th tooth coming in on the top and she loves to walk with her walker. She has also figured out how to toss all her toys over the baby gate and laugh while doing it. She loves taking her socks and shoes off in the car. We also weighed her last week and she is 17lbs 4 oz
Karl-Became very clingy since he got sick but he is getting better. He is getting another tooth so he now has 7 teeth. He is still my little eating machine and is ready for a nap after every meal. Aunt Dot also taught him on his birthday how to walk with the walker so is all over the place with that toy. My little man also loves Cobi he is always going up to the baby gate and reaching out to pet the dog. We also weighed him last week and he is 17lbs.
Gabriella- Umm Miss Gabby Gab she is still very needy and wants me to be next her 24-7, if i leave baby jail she screams bloody murder. Gab loves to stand up all the time but she is afraid to take a step. She now has 5 teeth 2 on top and 3 on the bottom. The latest is when I say Gabriella she says *UGH*..its so cute ;) Her favorite toy is the new ball pit we got them for their birthday she seems to be in that pit all the time. We also weighed her last week and she was 18 pounds.
Heres more bday pics-enjoy!!