Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Where has time gone?

Well as everyone can see I am awful at blogging. I mean the last time I posted was in Aug...okay so real quick I will try to catch everyone up to speed. In september we had our baby shower and we received so many gifts. Thank you mom for throwing the shower and thanks to everyone that gave us presents for the beans. Then in october things started going down hill-I had my first trip to L&D after the dumb ass residents try telling me nothing was wrong they ended up finding kidney stones then 3 weeks later I was back in L&D with gallstones once again the nurses told me it was heartburn or intergestion...i told the nurse HELLO do you see how far along I am with triplets dont you think I know the difference..Okay that brings us up to Nov-Well we went for my weekly visit to Dr G on Nov 6th I told him I had enough and I wanted the beaners out asap that my body couldnt take it anymore. After Dr G contacted the peri he agreed that Dr G could schedule my c-section providing I had an amenio the next day on Nov 7th to check the babies lung development. I was so scared just thinking of that huge needle going into my tummy and boy did it hurt but it went away in a few minutes. That night Marc and I were making a belly mold/cast thing I ordered online and we got the call from Dr G to be at the hospital tomorrow-Nov 8th at 7am and that we would begin surgery at 9am. You know I was so excited to finally meet the beans yet I was so nervous that I couldnt sleep and I was throwing up all night. Do you know my mom who is late for EVERYTHING actually got to the hospital at 7am with my sister and marcs mom also met us at labor and delivery as well. I laid in the hospital bed a nervous wreck waiting for 9am to come around and once it did no sign of Dr G...yeap see I know how to pick my doctors just like "me"...Dr G finally came in around 10:15 and he said he couldnt find parking..hahaha do i look that dumb? So once he came in they take me away to the OR, I got my spinal and after that I didnt feel a thing..Arianna was born at 10:50am, then Karl 10:51am and then Gabriella at 10:52am..Everyone was pretty much healthy and they stayed at the hospital in the NICU for 8 days to gain some weight because the hospital wouldn't let them come home until they hit 4 pounds..oh- karl and gabriella needed the tanning lights as I call them for jaudince..Arianna and Gabriella also needed some oxygen but they came off the machines within 2 days.

Okay so fast forward 6 months even though it seems like just yesterday I gave birth-I have 3 teething monsters!!!!! Yes I love them to death and I couldn't imagine my world without them. Arianna and Karl now roll over. Karl is on the move in his walker and he is a wild maniac. Gabriella is such a daddy's girl she cries all day, wants to be held and eats 24/7. Arianna thinks everything is funny no matter what you are saying to her and she is a sleepy head. Okay kids are crying so I will try to post more often and keep everyone updated.

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