I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on us. We had another birthday party this past Saturday. The kids had lots of fun, my mom came and helped with the kids. Once again it was another saturday stuck in traffic heading south, it took me over 2 hrs to get to the party. On the way to the party I could smell a stinky diaper but I couldn't pull over because the traffic was barely moving. I figured nobody is crying so I will change it as soon as I get to the party-what a mistake that was! When I arrive my mom is looking at the kids saying her hello's and she looked at me said, "umm did u give Arianna a cookie in the car?" at this point I was pretty confused and wondering what she was talking about. I look over at Arianna and my little princess must have put her hand in her dirty diaper because her pretty dress was covered in poop from head to toe. It was so gross!!! Thank god Grandma cleaned her up because I didn't know where to start.
Monday we had a play date with Janine and her trio (Justine, Joey and Dayna). I think the mom's had more fun then the kids..lol..For some reason my happy go lucky Karl was crabby. Janine's little ones at one point all took quick cat naps so hopefully as the kids get older they will interact more with each other. Janine's little ones are all over the place so to my surprise while doing floor time today Arianna is soldier/army crawling all over and going into a sitting position from laying down. She is sitting up like such a big girl. Karl is trying to stand up....thanks to Justine showing him the ropes :) I feel like overnight my kids have grown up into "big kids"
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Karl is Crawling!!!!!
My little man crawled today!! I actually have it taped on my cellphone but i have no idea how to transfer it over to my laptop. I can't believe he is on the move!!! We have a play date on Monday with another set of triplets so now Karl can keep up with them :)
Lots of updates!!
The beans have been little busy bee's lately. Last weekend we went to a birthday party down in Point Pleasant. The traffic was horrible!! It took us over 2 1/2 hours when normally it would take 1 hr. So we basically got to the party when it was about to end, so after the party we went to the park with Niki and Jordyn the b-day girl. All the kids had a great time in the swings and Jordyn is a babysitter in training. Heres a few picks from her bday and the park.
Karl eating his hat at the boardwalk!! poor baby he was soo hot.
Arianna just chilling out
Jordyn pushing my limo stroller..notice the new mommy mobile in the background
Miss Gabriella hanging out in her favorite spot...do u think my beans are going to get hair anytime soon??
Jordyn pushing Arianna and Gabriella in the swing
My lil monkey actually sitting in the swing
Baldy Princess Arianna
Aww sisterly love
Karl hanging out after a hard day of playing

Tuesday we took them to the doctors for a check-up and shots :( Dr George said the beans look great and that it looks like they will be getting top teeth shortly because their top gums are swollen..ughhh does it ever end for these poor kids?
Arianna is a huge chatter bug, she chats up a storm even in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep. I have to wrestle her down to change a diaper or get her dressed because she laughs at you while rolling over in the middle of a diaper change. She has become such a giggle monster she will laugh at anything you say and still loves to sleep in. Even though she is the smallest one she seems to eat the most out of everyone lately.
Karl is still a crazy maniac, this little boy will not sit still!! He breaks out of everything his carseat, highchair and swing. Lately when I feed him something he doesn't like he will gag and make himself sick. I also have to wrestle him to change his diaper or clothes. He still hasn't mastered crawling yet but he is trying his hardest.
Gabriella ummm where do I start..She loves to sit up like a big girl in the pack n play and play with all her toys but she will fuss and scream if I put her sister or brother with her. She does not like to share at all!! Several times when she has woken up in the middle of the night we have found her sitting up in her crib drinking her bottle, playing with her toys. She still loves the swing even though it barely moves-i think the kids are getting to heavy for it.
The kids are now eating puffs which they love, italian ices, ice cream, melons, pastina and pretty much all baby food except for anything green.
Wednesday we went to the Bronx Zoo with Aunt Wendy and cousin Madison. I have to be honest the zoo was awful, nothing like what I expected. The crowd was rude, we hardly saw any animals and most exhibits or indoor stuff wouldn't allow us to bring in strollers. No way in hell was i leaving my $1,100 stroller outside not to mention how was I going to carry 3 kids? One thing I will say was the PAPARAZZI was out at it's fullest. I do not recommend going to this zoo if you have multiples. When we went to the Staten Island zoo earlier this summer we were able to take the strollers into all exhibits and we saw more animals.
Tomorrow we have another birthday party so once again another busy weekend ahead of us!!
Heres our 8 1/2 month update
Arianna 15 pounds 3 oz 26 1/2 inches long
Karl 15 pounds 6 oz 28 inches long
Gabriella 16 pounds 5 oz 28 inches long
Karl 15 pounds 6 oz 28 inches long
Gabriella 16 pounds 5 oz 28 inches long
Arianna is a huge chatter bug, she chats up a storm even in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep. I have to wrestle her down to change a diaper or get her dressed because she laughs at you while rolling over in the middle of a diaper change. She has become such a giggle monster she will laugh at anything you say and still loves to sleep in. Even though she is the smallest one she seems to eat the most out of everyone lately.
Karl is still a crazy maniac, this little boy will not sit still!! He breaks out of everything his carseat, highchair and swing. Lately when I feed him something he doesn't like he will gag and make himself sick. I also have to wrestle him to change his diaper or clothes. He still hasn't mastered crawling yet but he is trying his hardest.
Gabriella ummm where do I start..She loves to sit up like a big girl in the pack n play and play with all her toys but she will fuss and scream if I put her sister or brother with her. She does not like to share at all!! Several times when she has woken up in the middle of the night we have found her sitting up in her crib drinking her bottle, playing with her toys. She still loves the swing even though it barely moves-i think the kids are getting to heavy for it.
The kids are now eating puffs which they love, italian ices, ice cream, melons, pastina and pretty much all baby food except for anything green.
Wednesday we went to the Bronx Zoo with Aunt Wendy and cousin Madison. I have to be honest the zoo was awful, nothing like what I expected. The crowd was rude, we hardly saw any animals and most exhibits or indoor stuff wouldn't allow us to bring in strollers. No way in hell was i leaving my $1,100 stroller outside not to mention how was I going to carry 3 kids? One thing I will say was the PAPARAZZI was out at it's fullest. I do not recommend going to this zoo if you have multiples. When we went to the Staten Island zoo earlier this summer we were able to take the strollers into all exhibits and we saw more animals.
Tomorrow we have another birthday party so once again another busy weekend ahead of us!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
More Teeth = Cranky Kids
Gabriella cut another tooth yesterday, she now has 2 teeth on the bottom. Arianna finally cut her first tooth!!! Woo-hoo!!!! The kids have been waking up almost every hour at night. I will be so happy when they go back to only getting up 1 time for a bottle.
I have been doing some research for the kids first b-day. I found some awesome ideas for games, decorations, goody bags and food on www.birthdaypartyideas.com My sister in law also told me if I rent an Elmo costume she would dress up as him for me..yippy thanks Aunt Mel!!! The cheapest one I found so far was in Edison, NJ at www.millersrentals.com the Elmo costume is $100 for a 2 day rental and cookie monster is $75 which I don't think is that bad. If anyone knows of another place in NJ/NY let me know so I can check them out. By the way SAVE THE DATE Sunday November 9th 2008.
I have been doing some research for the kids first b-day. I found some awesome ideas for games, decorations, goody bags and food on www.birthdaypartyideas.com My sister in law also told me if I rent an Elmo costume she would dress up as him for me..yippy thanks Aunt Mel!!! The cheapest one I found so far was in Edison, NJ at www.millersrentals.com the Elmo costume is $100 for a 2 day rental and cookie monster is $75 which I don't think is that bad. If anyone knows of another place in NJ/NY let me know so I can check them out. By the way SAVE THE DATE Sunday November 9th 2008.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I got a new mommy mobile...
So I should be excited right?? I just cant get over the fact I am driving a minivan. Anyone that knows me will tell you I wouldn't be caught dead driving one of those..well I guess pigs are finally flying as well. We spent over a week straight at least 6-7 hrs a day looking at cars and trying to fit 3 car seats, our diaper bag, bottle bag and our huge triple stroller. Sounds like fun right? Just picture us with all our baby gear, trying to fit all our crap in and out of cars, the kids are crying and want to be held and the car salesmen have now become our PAPARAZZI..it was hell-I just wanted to tell them instead of watching try helping us you dumb a**holes!!! We ended up getting a 2008 Honda Odssey.
Well I know I promised everyone details about our 4th of July road trip so I guess this is a very long over due post. Any multiple mom's that read my packing list I actually used everything. You know as I was packing I said to myself what am I bringing half of this stuff for and in the back of my head I could just hear my mom saying when you have small children you have to over pack for them.....Thank god for my mom because she was right! We left for PA around 8-8:30pm I figured it would work out good because the beans go to bed at 8:30 anyway so they would fall asleep in the car-WRONG!! I think Daddy gave them some money for their piggy bank if they promised him they would scream and cry for the first hour and 30 minutes. They took turns between Karl and Gabriella. Aunt Dot spent most of the time with her butt in the windshield turned around trying to calm them down. Between all the crying Arianna said something in her foreign sounding language to the 2 of them and she went to sleep and slept right through the crying..I swear I think she told Gab and Karl to keep it up and that she would take over on the ride home. We stopped around 11:30pm at Wawa to get a drink and use the restroom. When I came out of Wawa I happen to notice something very disturbing (yes I know none of my business) a couple had left their sleeping toddler in the car while they both went into the store. Why couldn't they take turns? I just don't understand people sometimes. Anyway the kids stayed asleep and didn't wake up until we got to Pop-pop's. During our visit Pop-pop took us for several rides on his new machine up into the mountains, the kids loved it so much at least one of them fell asleep each time. We walked around the river in town, they got to go in their swings, play in the kiddie pool, and go for several walks with Aunt Dot and Grandma. On our ride home guess what?? Karl and Arianna cried for most of the trip. I highly recommend driving at night because once they fall asleep they stay asleep unlike during the day.
While I was typing this post Gabriella woke up crying and when I went in her room she was sitting straight up in her crib like a big girl..I have no idea how she sat up all on her own but she did! So I tried laying her back down and giving her a binky/pacifier and she started shaking her head no. Oh boy I am in for some trouble if they are going to learn to shake their heads no at only 8 months old :)
Well I know I promised everyone details about our 4th of July road trip so I guess this is a very long over due post. Any multiple mom's that read my packing list I actually used everything. You know as I was packing I said to myself what am I bringing half of this stuff for and in the back of my head I could just hear my mom saying when you have small children you have to over pack for them.....Thank god for my mom because she was right! We left for PA around 8-8:30pm I figured it would work out good because the beans go to bed at 8:30 anyway so they would fall asleep in the car-WRONG!! I think Daddy gave them some money for their piggy bank if they promised him they would scream and cry for the first hour and 30 minutes. They took turns between Karl and Gabriella. Aunt Dot spent most of the time with her butt in the windshield turned around trying to calm them down. Between all the crying Arianna said something in her foreign sounding language to the 2 of them and she went to sleep and slept right through the crying..I swear I think she told Gab and Karl to keep it up and that she would take over on the ride home. We stopped around 11:30pm at Wawa to get a drink and use the restroom. When I came out of Wawa I happen to notice something very disturbing (yes I know none of my business) a couple had left their sleeping toddler in the car while they both went into the store. Why couldn't they take turns? I just don't understand people sometimes. Anyway the kids stayed asleep and didn't wake up until we got to Pop-pop's. During our visit Pop-pop took us for several rides on his new machine up into the mountains, the kids loved it so much at least one of them fell asleep each time. We walked around the river in town, they got to go in their swings, play in the kiddie pool, and go for several walks with Aunt Dot and Grandma. On our ride home guess what?? Karl and Arianna cried for most of the trip. I highly recommend driving at night because once they fall asleep they stay asleep unlike during the day.
While I was typing this post Gabriella woke up crying and when I went in her room she was sitting straight up in her crib like a big girl..I have no idea how she sat up all on her own but she did! So I tried laying her back down and giving her a binky/pacifier and she started shaking her head no. Oh boy I am in for some trouble if they are going to learn to shake their heads no at only 8 months old :)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Quick Update!
We got home last night from pa and today we spent shopping for a new mommy mobile. We also had our interview with the modeling/talent agency today and we were accepted!! :)
Gabriella is getting another tooth poor Arianna still hasn't even had 1 yet..Karl already has 2..Even though Arianna doesnt have any teeth, over the weekend she learned how to wave bye-bye and hello. I will try to do a long post tomorrow with all the details of our road trip. I am soo tired I can barely keep my eyes open.
Gabriella is getting another tooth poor Arianna still hasn't even had 1 yet..Karl already has 2..Even though Arianna doesnt have any teeth, over the weekend she learned how to wave bye-bye and hello. I will try to do a long post tomorrow with all the details of our road trip. I am soo tired I can barely keep my eyes open.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Wish Us Luck!
Tomorrow I am driving with the beans and my Aunt to my Grandfather's house in PA...Its a 4 hour trip we will be coming back home Monday. Marc couldn't get off so its just us-heck someone has to stay home and make some money. I am so tired from all the packing that I haven't even left yet and I am dreading coming home to unpack. I have been so moody lately because all I do is keep this long list of stuff I need to pack in my pocket and walk around the house collecting it. For all you multiple mommy's reading this I decided to share my list minus the kitchen sink..
Here you go-
3 pack n plays
1 walker
travel swing
3 bumbo seats (will serve as a highchair, I can also use it in the blow up pool and during play time)
Bath tub big sponge thingy
Bath soap/lotion etc
Bowls/spoons/sippy cups/bottles
3 Crib soothers ( the beans need it to fall asleep to it they wont go to bed)
3 Hats for the sun
bathing suits
Laundry soap
Formula/Cereal/ Baby food
Baby teething cookies
Nursery Water
Clothes (onesies, pj's outfits etc)
3 sheets for the pack n play
Here you go-
3 pack n plays
1 walker
travel swing
3 bumbo seats (will serve as a highchair, I can also use it in the blow up pool and during play time)
Bath tub big sponge thingy
Bath soap/lotion etc
Bowls/spoons/sippy cups/bottles
3 Crib soothers ( the beans need it to fall asleep to it they wont go to bed)
3 Hats for the sun
bathing suits
Laundry soap
Formula/Cereal/ Baby food
Baby teething cookies
Nursery Water
Clothes (onesies, pj's outfits etc)
3 sheets for the pack n play
Are you getting tired just reading this list??? Okay if people b*tch and complain that only have 1 baby can you imagine having 3??..lol..I will take a picture of my truck packed tomorrow before we leave and post it when we get back. Everything on the list is coming with me except my mom is bringing up a box of diapers, 3 pack n plays and the walker. Once again please say a prayer for me because I need all the help I can get :) I am going to bed and I will pack my stuff tomorrow umm which reminds me I dont think I have any room for my own clothes.
Happy 4th of July everyone!!!!!!!
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