Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Wish Us Luck!

Tomorrow I am driving with the beans and my Aunt to my Grandfather's house in PA...Its a 4 hour trip we will be coming back home Monday. Marc couldn't get off so its just us-heck someone has to stay home and make some money. I am so tired from all the packing that I haven't even left yet and I am dreading coming home to unpack. I have been so moody lately because all I do is keep this long list of stuff I need to pack in my pocket and walk around the house collecting it. For all you multiple mommy's reading this I decided to share my list minus the kitchen sink..

Here you go-

3 pack n plays
1 walker
travel swing
3 bumbo seats (will serve as a highchair, I can also use it in the blow up pool and during play time)
Bath tub big sponge thingy
Bath soap/lotion etc
Bowls/spoons/sippy cups/bottles
3 Crib soothers ( the beans need it to fall asleep to it they wont go to bed)
3 Hats for the sun
bathing suits
Laundry soap
Formula/Cereal/ Baby food
Baby teething cookies
Nursery Water
Clothes (onesies, pj's outfits etc)
3 sheets for the pack n play

Are you getting tired just reading this list??? Okay if people b*tch and complain that only have 1 baby can you imagine having 3??..lol..I will take a picture of my truck packed tomorrow before we leave and post it when we get back. Everything on the list is coming with me except my mom is bringing up a box of diapers, 3 pack n plays and the walker. Once again please say a prayer for me because I need all the help I can get :) I am going to bed and I will pack my stuff tomorrow umm which reminds me I dont think I have any room for my own clothes.
Happy 4th of July everyone!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Alli'sMom said...

Good Luck And Have a great Time! Yeah I got nothin on you (lol) ...See ya soon...