Wednesday, October 29, 2008
OMG 10 days to the beans are 1!!
Since I have so much free time..j/k yeah right ..I have decided to make scrapbooks for each baby. I cant believe how little they once were and how much they looked alike when they were newborns. All of you coming to the party will get to see the books because I am going to put them out so everyone can sign them. So far we have about 90 people coming to the party and out of those 90 30 are kids. Does it sound like a party or a 3 ring circus to you?? god I dont have to have another big party like this until they turn 16 or so I am hoping thats the case. Ok enough of the boring stuff...Gabriella is doing so well standing up alone that she even claps while standing up. Today she waived at me when her Daddy took her out of her highchair to bring her inside and then blew a kiss. Ahhh these babies are not babies anymore they are little people ;( Karl is starting to stand up alone for a few seconds and then he sits down when he realizes he is not holding on to anything and my Little Miss Arianna has 3 teeth 2 on the bottom and a half of one on the top. She looks like a little old man. I think the kids may be getting sick so off to the doctors we go tomorrow which I dread because half the time the kids make me look like a liar and the doctor tells me nothing is wrong with them. I just don't want them sick for Halloween or their birthday party. I am not sure if it's a new phase or if they aren't feeling well but all they do is cry 24-7 if I am not in the play area with them. My neighbors must wonder what is going on in my house because the kids are constantly screaming. Ummm so do you think I am crazy for wanting another baby??
Friday, October 10, 2008
Happy /sad 11 Months!!!
Woo-hooo the beans are 11 months which means only 1 month to go before the big bash. Just think this time last year I was stuck on bed rest and so big I could hardly get up to use the bathroom. I looked forward to my 2 weekly outings which were to the peri (specialists) and Dr G. For some reason no matter how cold it was in my house I still complained it wasn't cool enough and I couldn't sleep until the sun came up. Did I mention the amount of gallons of water and ice cubes I also consumed?? Sounds awful doesn't it?? As awful as it was I can't help but think how much I miss those days....
I don't have any 11 month stats since the beans aren't going back to see Dr George until after their birthday. So I will post my usual likes and dislikes etc...
Arianna- She is still the smallest in height and only has 2 teeth, yet she is the oldest. She looks like a wiggly worm when she crawls because she moves so quick from one place to another. She is showing no signs of walking or standing alone. My perfect princess loves to stick her tongue out and spit all over while blowing raspberries, today while in Costco she actually did it to a man that was walking past her and he did it right back and she started to giggle. She loves crawling up to her sister and brother and giving them kisses as well as dancing which she has been doing for a few months now. She is saying Ba-Ba, Da-Da, Ma-ma and she also waves at everyone. As far as favorite foods she pretty much eats whatever I give her except for green beans or if she is full or doesn't want to eat something she will gag and sometimes throw up. I also think she is the hardest one to dress or change her diaper because she loves to roll over and take off!
Karl-He is my wild monkey boy, need i say more?? lol..He eats like a little garbage can and doesn't seem to gain a pound the poor baby is sooo skinny!! Mr Karl loves to smile at everyone and show his 3 bottom teeth but good news is he finally has 2 on the top!! He says Mama and Dada and he tries to answer me back when I yell at him or tell him no. I always find him climbing up the baby gate or standing on top of his toys. Today at the park he actually stood up in his swing..yeap..see why i call him monkey boy?? Lately he has been the thief of the trio and always stealing toys from the girls but that use to be Arianna so it seems like they are all taking turns.
Gabriella-Miss Gabriella is standing on her own!!! She cries and fusses anytime I walk away from her. She loves eating her cheerios and swinging in the swing whether its at the park or the baby swing at home. As long as the swing moves I refuse to pack it away no matter how big or old they get :) Gabby still has the same 4 teeth for the past few months. She can say Ma-Ma, Da-Da and Bye-bye. She is starting to interact more with the other 2 instead of always playing alone and she doesn't get as mad when they come into her space like she did before. Gab also loves giving kisses to her sister but not her brother for some reason.
I don't have any 11 month stats since the beans aren't going back to see Dr George until after their birthday. So I will post my usual likes and dislikes etc...
Arianna- She is still the smallest in height and only has 2 teeth, yet she is the oldest. She looks like a wiggly worm when she crawls because she moves so quick from one place to another. She is showing no signs of walking or standing alone. My perfect princess loves to stick her tongue out and spit all over while blowing raspberries, today while in Costco she actually did it to a man that was walking past her and he did it right back and she started to giggle. She loves crawling up to her sister and brother and giving them kisses as well as dancing which she has been doing for a few months now. She is saying Ba-Ba, Da-Da, Ma-ma and she also waves at everyone. As far as favorite foods she pretty much eats whatever I give her except for green beans or if she is full or doesn't want to eat something she will gag and sometimes throw up. I also think she is the hardest one to dress or change her diaper because she loves to roll over and take off!
Karl-He is my wild monkey boy, need i say more?? lol..He eats like a little garbage can and doesn't seem to gain a pound the poor baby is sooo skinny!! Mr Karl loves to smile at everyone and show his 3 bottom teeth but good news is he finally has 2 on the top!! He says Mama and Dada and he tries to answer me back when I yell at him or tell him no. I always find him climbing up the baby gate or standing on top of his toys. Today at the park he actually stood up in his swing..yeap..see why i call him monkey boy?? Lately he has been the thief of the trio and always stealing toys from the girls but that use to be Arianna so it seems like they are all taking turns.
Gabriella-Miss Gabriella is standing on her own!!! She cries and fusses anytime I walk away from her. She loves eating her cheerios and swinging in the swing whether its at the park or the baby swing at home. As long as the swing moves I refuse to pack it away no matter how big or old they get :) Gabby still has the same 4 teeth for the past few months. She can say Ma-Ma, Da-Da and Bye-bye. She is starting to interact more with the other 2 instead of always playing alone and she doesn't get as mad when they come into her space like she did before. Gab also loves giving kisses to her sister but not her brother for some reason.
*********Birthday Party Info*********
For those of you that haven't received an invite please email me or call. I am finding that some of the invites in Staten Island for some reason are lost. They went out over a week ago and everyone should have them by now. Also Toys R Us has lost our registry and they no longer have a system for gift registries at the moment until they fix it which means I can not re-register!! However I do have a copy of my registry and I can email it, fax it or mail you one and we can use that for now. I hope to see all of you in a few weeks!
Here' s some pics from todays playdate
For those of you that haven't received an invite please email me or call. I am finding that some of the invites in Staten Island for some reason are lost. They went out over a week ago and everyone should have them by now. Also Toys R Us has lost our registry and they no longer have a system for gift registries at the moment until they fix it which means I can not re-register!! However I do have a copy of my registry and I can email it, fax it or mail you one and we can use that for now. I hope to see all of you in a few weeks!
Here' s some pics from todays playdate
Friday, October 3, 2008
My 3 Little Monkeys!

Arianna, Karl and Gabriella
Aren't they cute?? We took them for Halloween pics yesterday, i wasn't to impressed but I was able to find one decent one. Karl is getting 2 top teeth finally!! He has been showing everyone his 3 bottom teeth every time he smiles it's about time my poor baby gets top teeth. Gabriella has been standing up without holding on and then she thinks its a game so she will sit down and laugh. Im sure they will be walking by their first birthday. Speaking of first birthday all the invites went out in the mail this week and then I get some bad news, toysrus did a system upgrade and apparently they have lost everyones registries. The manager assured me they will try to retrieve it but I have yet to hear back from him. I may have to register again as if i have all the time in the thats about it no more prison breaks lately to report!
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