Arianna, Karl and Gabriella
Aren't they cute?? We took them for Halloween pics yesterday, i wasn't to impressed but I was able to find one decent one. Karl is getting 2 top teeth finally!! He has been showing everyone his 3 bottom teeth every time he smiles it's about time my poor baby gets top teeth. Gabriella has been standing up without holding on and then she thinks its a game so she will sit down and laugh. Im sure they will be walking by their first birthday. Speaking of first birthday all the invites went out in the mail this week and then I get some bad news, toysrus did a system upgrade and apparently they have lost everyones registries. The manager assured me they will try to retrieve it but I have yet to hear back from him. I may have to register again as if i have all the time in the world...lol..Well thats about it no more prison breaks lately to report!
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