Boy its been almost a month once again since I blogged last..I am such a slacker!!This past month has flown by between holiday shopping, pulling out winter clothes and going through the beans closet to switch out sizes, holiday decorating and preparing, looking for the perfect "thank you" card to send out for the kids party, taking them to see Santa and holiday pictures...the list just goes on and on....Happy belated turkey day-i know its sorta late for that one. The beans ate so much and they loved the cornbread. The pics above were taken on Thanksgiving.
Heres my usual monthly stats-
Arianna is still the smallest she is 18 pounds and she is Miss Freshy Fresh. She has been beating everyone up. Arianna loves to slap-i don't know where she got this from but its awful. No matter what I do to discipline her she just laughs back at me. She finally has 4 teeth and she is cruising away. Miss Freshy Fresh has also become a picky eater and will keep her mouth closed and shake her head no at everything I try to feed her. Arianna is saying Mama, Dada, BaBa and bye bye once in awhile.
Karl is 19 pounds and has turned into a cry baby ..,..I know this sounds awful coming from a Mommy but yes for at least the past month he has been crying over anything and everything. He loves to play catch, peek a boo and hide under blankets. He is always trying to reach over the baby gate to pet Cobi~ i think these 2 are going to be best friends. Mr Karl is still my best eater but he will not sit in the highchair for long, as soon as he is full he rubs his eyes and wants out! What a typical man ready for a nap after every meal :) My little man didn't get any new teeth this month. My monkey boy is saying Mama, Dada and Bye Bye.
Gabriella is still my youngest and biggest!!! She is 20.8 pounds and she has been trying to walk 24/7..Now she is taking at least 6-7 steps at a time before falling down. She still loves her ball pit and playing with the fisher price laugh and learn home. For some reason the beans swing the door open and close all day long. I highly recommend this toy!!! Gabby loves eating goldfish and cookies but try giving her regular food and she spits it out and blows raspberries at you. Gabby is now saying Mama, Dada, what sounds like Arianna, BaBa and sometimes if your lucky she will say Bye Bye.
****Many of you may know about RSV season from last year. The beans received a rsv shot this month and will receive a few more during the winter season. I ask everyone that comes to visit to please use lots of proper hand washing and hand sanitizing during your visit with us to keep the kids healthy during this dangerous time of year. Also we will not take it personal if your not feeling well and cancel on us I rather keep the children away from germs.***
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happy 13 months!
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