Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Long Overdue

I thought as the beans get older it would get a bit easier~boy was i wrong!!! I am so dam tired that once they go to bed lately i am right behind them. I feel like the day is just not long enough anymore. We have been busy with doctors appointments , play dates, my birthday, all the therapist coming in to work with them, my Dad was in the hospital, they were in a wedding Saturday night and the list goes on......Just to give you an idea of our schedule here it goes
Monday speech 11:30am to 1pm
social worker for family counseling 530-630pm
Tuesday special ed 430pm-6pm
Friday speech 11:30am-1pm
occupational therapy 4pm-5pm
Sunday occupational therapy 11am-noon

so this is just part of the schedule plus whatever comes up week to week...So does anyone want to come over and help keep the house clean and prepare the kids???? Come on any volunteers??

Gabriella is on the move, she walks like a little robot all over the house. For some reason my Gabby loves to climb on the couch and jump up and down. After a few weeks of this i have learned to turn my head and hope for the best~ i have made myself so nervous and I cant seem to keep her off the couch!! She now has 8 teeth and eats like a little lady. Miss Gab is such a little nerd during her sessions with the therapist that come in to work with the beans she loves to watch and sit through everyones sessions, heck i cant get the other 2 to sit through their own session.

Karl is still only taking a few steps at a time and has the same 6 teeth for months. All his teeth came out like crazy and then just stopped. He is just like his Daddy he loves to sit in the window or at the front door watching everything outside. I think his speech teacher is working because he is finally saying doggy and points to the dogs-when i ask him where are the doggies. He has become my best sleeper and is finally sleeping through the night again unlike his sisters.

Miss Arianna has found her voice~she feels the need to scream 24-7 at the top of her lungs, I am not talking about a cry scream I am talking about a full blown I am falling off a building scream. I know I say every month has fresh she has become but it keeps getting worse. She has such a innocent look to her but she loves to hit, steal toys and throw full blown tantrums. Arianna still has her same 4 little teeth, she has been taking a few steps but she is a speed crawler. Miss Freshy Fresh is not a fan of her therapy sessions at all~she has yet to sit through an entire session.

I have lots of new pics to update (wedding, play dates, the park) but the camera is downstairs, its 530am and I refuse to walk past the nursery because I do not want to wake anyone up. I will try to post pics later today. One last thing...would anyone like to do the March of Dimes with me? I will be setting up a team soon~its a chance to get some exercise, outing for the kids and a good cause... email me if you want to walk cmartinez11278@yahoo.com

As always please keep Morgan and her family in your prayers, she needs blood transfusions and is B+ so she can get o+ or B+ blood or you can donate platelets to her. I am going to make a trip into the city within the next few weeks to donate so if you want to come with me let me know.

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