Sunday, June 8, 2008

7 Months Today!!

I can't believe my beans are 7 months already. I guess I should be excited but I was so upset they are growing so quick before I know it they will be starting Kindergarten ;( We had a very busy weekend and its been in the 90's, humid, hot, and just yucky..Yesterday we had Jills baby shower it was a pool party. My mom was also invited which was a good thing because she helped me out with the kids and I was able to take them in the big pool for the first time. Karl loved it! He looked like a little frog kicking his little feet all around and going crazy, Gabriella just hung out in her little blow up toy and Arianna the one who loved to splash away in the bath cried bloody murder.
Today we took the kids to the zoo for the first time. We went around 4pm thinking it would cool down by then but heck no it was still so hot. We spent most of the time looking at the inside exhibits since they were air conditioned. Marcs friend Aly and her friend Robin came with us which was nice because they helped us with the kids and we used a double and single stroller we only got stopped 1 time by the "paparazzi". The beans didnt seem to interested in the animals I put Arianna and Gabriella right up to the glass window of the monkey exhibit and Arianna was too busy eating her strap on her stroller and Gabriella was busy drinking her bottle so neither of them noticed the monkeys. I was able to take a few pictures I will post them soon.

Okay I know I am skipping around but I figured I should give you all some info on the beans..

Loves playing and eating her feet, smiling, laughing loudly while getting changed, baths, rolling all over the place, sleeping late in the mornings, teething cookies and getting lots of attention
Hates taking naps, eating green beans, peas and the big pool

Loves trying to pet the dogs, playing in his exersaucer, breaking out of his car seat or anything that I put him in for that matter, flirting with all the ladies, swimming in the pool, chewing on his feet, eating, drinking from a big boy cup and watching TV
Hates sitting still in the car (red lights, traffic, etc), getting his nose cleaned/sucked out, sharing mommy and daddy's lap with his sisters

Loves her Daddy, eating teething cookies, drinking from a big girl cup, sitting in her swing, playing with her feet, drinking from a straw, likes to cry 24/7, play airplane with Daddy
Hates playing on the floor alone, smiling, eating veggies, pacifiers,

1 comment:

pyjammy pam said...

i'm excited about taking the boys to the zoo, but i guess i'll wait a little longer. :) they're all about eating the stroller straps now. hee hee!