Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Karl is almost on the move!!

Yesterday I was doing tummy time with the beans and I see Karl up on all 4's rocking away. Well I guess it won't be long before he decides to crawl. Arianna and Gabriella are showing no signs of crawling or even wanting to for that matter.

On to the teething situation-can you say mommy is sleep deprived??? I tried giving them tylenol and oragel before bed that didn't work so the next night I tried mortin and oragel that didnt work either. During the day I am finding them to be very clingy, cranky and just over all needy. I tried to take a few pics of the their little teeth popping up but its still so small you cant see them in pics yet. Tomorrow Marc is off from work so that means it's his turn to get up with the babies...lets see if they keep him up all night. Do you know they usually sleep in late and dont wake up in the middle of the night on his days..I don't understand i guess they like to make me look like a liar. I swear they chat with each other and plot this before bedtime on Daddy's days off.

I am getting kinda nervous next week I will be taking my first road trip with them to Pop-pop's in PA. It's about 4 hours away from me and Marc has to work. Aunt Dot is going to come with me in the car to help in case I have to stop for feedings or diaper changes. If any experienced mommy's are reading this please I can use any advice or tips you can offer on getting through this trip. I was going to leave after I give them a bedtime bottle so they can sleep in the car..problem is when we get to PA they are going to wake up and I am afraid they won't go back to bed. So then I was thinking maybe I should drive during the day but what if they are cranky and screaming the entire ride? I am going to take 3 pack-n-plays so they each have their own space to sleep because I have never put them in my bed. I am not leaving until wed or thurs so I have 1 week to figure it out. Wish me luck!!

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