Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Quick Update!

We got home last night from pa and today we spent shopping for a new mommy mobile. We also had our interview with the modeling/talent agency today and we were accepted!! :)

Gabriella is getting another tooth poor Arianna still hasn't even had 1 yet..Karl already has 2..Even though Arianna doesnt have any teeth, over the weekend she learned how to wave bye-bye and hello. I will try to do a long post tomorrow with all the details of our road trip. I am soo tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

1 comment:

Julie said...

cheryl, I'm so glad it helped you guys! I remember being so frustrated about the whole car, carseat and stroller situation.
Do you mind if I add your blog to my "blog list" on the side of my blog? Your little ones are SOOOOOOOOO cute!!!