Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy 10 Months!!

So the beans turned 10 months on Wednesday. The older they are getting the more upset I get, where is time going? where are those preemies I came home with? what happen to those babies that only drank 20 cc , now they drink 6 oz.....I guess I need to get over it and be thankful for my healthy children. Actually we are all sick again we saw Dr George and everyone is congested filled with mucus. Basically its nonstop snotty noses and coughing.

Life works in mysterious ways yesterday 9/11 was 3 years that I had my miscarriage. I always wonder if I didn't miscarry that baby would I have these 3 or did god give me these 3 because he took one from us.....humm just something I always think about........ Well here goes my usual monthly post

Arianna~Still has 2 small teeth on the bottom, says MaMa, DaDa and BaBa. She is showing no interest in trying to stand and loves eating cheerios and pancakes. Oh did i mention she is going to be a dancer?? Yeap!! When I say Arianna dance, dance dance, shake your booty she wiggles her arms all around and her legs on command. Even though she is the smallest in size she loves pulling on Gabriella and Karls clothes to knock them over and to steal toys. She is known as "the thief" of the bunch. Lately she has become the hardest to change because she will not stand still and when she is tired she starts laughing hysterical.

Karl~ Oh boy where do I start with the still only has 3 teeth all on the bottom, says MaMa and Dada. Since he learned to stand he never sits down anymore, he loves to climb on anything and everything including his sisters to try to get over the gates. He loves to unfold all the clean laundry after I fold it and he no longer is a good sleeper. Earlier this week he picked up a toy cell phone, put it to his ear and rambled something I guess he is going to take after his Daddy with the phone bit. He also loves cheerios, pancakes, italian bread and chicken basically eating is the only time he will sit still. My son is also a huge ham he now smiles anytime someone pulls out a camera to take a pic of him without anyone having to say a word to him.

Gabriella~She has become mommy's girl, she will scream and cry anytime I even attempt to walk out of the baby play area even if her daddy is with her. She has 4 big teeth (2 on the bottom and 2 on the top) She is always blowing raspberries anytime I feed her and she likes to put on a comedy show for the other 2 at dinner time. She also says MaMa and DaDa and finally this week she started standing up holding on to the gate. She still doesn't like anyone in her space or touching her toys. Gab loves to sit in her swing strapped in and flip the tray open and close. Lately I have been finding her falling asleep sitting up in her crib so basically her head is between her knees and her glow worm is usually under her body, i feel so bad but every time I try to move her she wakes up. Gabriella also loves cheerios, puffs, ice cream and chicken.

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