Friday, September 5, 2008

Vaseline eating child

Omg I just realized I havent posted in weeks!! Things have been hectic as usual but hey life goes on no matter what chaos is going on in our household. I booked the babies first bday please save the date its definitely going to be in NJ on Nov 9th approx 3pm.

The beans are growing like weeds. Gabby has 4 teeth (2 on the top and 2 on the bottom) Karl has 3 all on the bottom and Arianna has 2 small ones on the bottom. Karl is now standing up and pulling himself up onto everything you can possibly think of. Today i was in the kitchen and all 3 of them weren't making a peep. To good to be true right??? Right-so I peek in the play area and I find Karl eating vaseline and Gabriella has the top to the jar in her mouth. I know I am such a bad guess it's time to take all the bins out from underneath the changing table. Today we went to Dr George heres the 10 month stats (well a few days shy of 10 months) I will do a 10 month post on the 8th with more details on each bean.

Arianna 16lbs 6oz
Karl 16lbs 7 oz
Gabriella 18 lbs

In the past few weeks we have gone on several play dates, 4 auditions/casting calls, took our first trips with the trio to Time Square, Seaside to the boardwalk, Atlantic City, and crabbing. Boy have we kept them busy!

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