Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pics-they are from my cell phone

Over due post plus pictures

I just realized its been over 1 month of not 1 single post. So I am a crappy blogger or a busy mommy. I think I am going to go with busy mommy ;). Not much to report on our end just the past few months have been nonstop sick kids. We have had clinical pneumonia, a virus called fifth disease and the latest including myself was bronchitis. Its just been awful!! I hate giving the kids breathing treatments/nebulizer because i have to wrestle one monkey down while the other one turns the machine on and off and the last monkey unplugs it. I am also not a huge fan of giving the kids medication so I hate the fact that for almost 2 months straight they have been on some type of antibiotic. Did i mention my husband was also in the hospital while I was home with sick kids ALONE???!!! If you think you have a huge support system or a big family wait until you need help and you will see who comes today we found out why the kids are always getting so sick our bloodwork results came in and Karl and Arianna have what they call a thin linning in their nose. The Dr said they are more likely to get sick because their immune system is not fully matured yet. He told us hopefully they will grow out of it and about 15% of the population has this.

On a better note in the past month we did the March of Babies walk and we also went to the Philadelphia Zoo for Mothers Day. I have been trying to keep the kids away from everyone and indoor germy places like the mall, chukie cheese, playdates, resturants, etc... We did buy season passes for Six Flags so we took the kids through the safari several times just to get them out of the house. The kids love it but about 45 mins in they start getting bored and screaming and crying.

My babies now think they are the dog, anytime someone sneeks past the gate into the kitchen they run to the backdoor and crawl out the doggy door. I can only imagine what my neighbors think. If its not crying and screaming coming from my house its the kids trying to break out through the doggy door. Well on to Little Miss Arianna loves to scream M-a-MMMME all day long. Yes its very cute but after awhile its not cute loves to steal all the wipes so she can clean the floor and goes nuts if you stop at a drive thru for food without giving her any the second the bag comes in the car, Gabby is starting to act like a big girl and not my baby anymore. She is following directions, trying to help clean and speaking alot more. Karl is my little cuddle bug yet if you turn your head he will hang from the railing going upstairs, He thinks he is the boss and tackles the girls down to the ground to steal a toy. I know what a great

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Few Wild Days

Yeap a few wild days its been! Those of you thinking wild in any other way but babies climbing over the gates, Karl escaping from his crib, Arianna pushing everyone to the ground as she walks past them, the dogs opening the baby gates, Gabby has 2 back teeth coming in, Karl has 1..does this equal wild, crazy, stressful to u???? i think this past week alone I have gotten a few more gray hairs. Oh did I mention we have sick kids again?? Yeap off to the doctor we go tomorrow at 11:30.

Today we took the girls for their first haircut i am not exactly sure what they were suppose to cut since the girls are bald but i figured maybe a trim will help them grow some hair, Karl got his 2nd haircut and the girl cut it so short. I will post the pics tomorrow when i get a chance.

I do want to say we did the MS Walk with my aunt last sunday and it turned out to be a really nice day. We will also be doing the March of Dimes this sunday if anyone wants to join our team or donate/sponsor us you can do so at

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Gabby is Home! ~Happy Easter!~

I just wanted to give you a quick update on Gabby. She was admitted to the hospital last friday for possible MRSA. Test came back positive and she did have MRSA. Poor baby spent 6 long very long days in the hospital. i don't know who it was tougher on Gabby or myself, i felt awful having my beans separated they have never ever been apart. Finally on Monday I brought Gabs a pic of her brother and sister to hang in her crib, she took the pic from me and kissed both Arianna and Karl. It just broke my heart and i lost it. I was so upset I never ever want to have any of my children admitted to the hospital again. Thursday the entire family got checked for MRSA to see if we are carriers but we are still waiting on the results it takes 5-7 days. On a better note she was released Wednesday night and happy as a clam to be home in her own crib with her partners in crime.

Friday, April 3, 2009


That is all I hear all day long!!!! Ma-Ma, bye bye and Me...its driving me insane. At first i thought it was cute the me thing but try hearing it 12hrs a day all day times 3. Then on top of the me thing my kids all take after me they love running the street so if they aren't saying me usually Gabriella is at the door saying bye-bye and crying when I tell them not today. I know i am gonna go in circles but I have so much catching up my brain is on overload. Some days my house is like the monkey section of the drive thru safari at Six Flags. The beans try to hang from my mini blinds like they are monkey bars. Which means I now need to keep my blinds pulled up until they go to bed so all my neighbors can now see in my Karl decided the other day to climb up on the glider to be able to reach the remote on top of the tv stand. I almost had a hear attack because he is half on the chair, the other half of his body is dangling and he is reaching for the remote with one hand. Okay now on to Little Miss Arianna loves to steal diapers, clothes wipes i.e from me when I am changing one of the other kids. When i call her over to bring it back she will get just close enough to reach out to hand the stuff back to me and then she turns around and takes off with it again. At that point I now have a naked kid running around and Arianna going in another direction with the diapers...Nothing is safe and never a dull moment anymore.

Some of you may now about our Florida trip and for the others that don't WE SURVIVED our surprise trip to Florida!! I couldn't post anything on here about it since my Dad reads our blog. We decided to plan a road trip with the 3 kids to visit my dad. So we thought by leaving at night right at bedtime would be a great idea WRONG!! We left a little later around 830 by the time we hit the Delaware Memorial Bridge we had to stop, let the kids out of the car seats, change diapers and so on..For those of you that don't know the bridge is only about 2 1/2hrs away from Staten Island at that point I almost wanted to head back home because I thought how the heck are we gonna drive another 16-17hrs constantly stopping. After the first stop and listening to lots of crying and screaming Karl and Arianna fell asleep around 2am Gabriella finally fell asleep so we were able to make up some time because once the daylight hit we could no longer keep driving without making a million stops. We did it 19hrs later we pulled up to my Dads driveway and surprised him!! The visit was fun we went to Clearwater it was the first time we took the kids to the beach, a petting farm, chukie cheese, a Yankees spring training game, the park, shopping, a flea market and lots of strolls around the neighborhood. I will post pics later.

Heres some stats and updates on each one...
Arianna is 21lbs 4oz-she is finally get some teeth in so she now has 4 teeth on top in the front and 2 on the bottom. Nanas loves to sing old mcdonald and her favorite part that she repeats over and over is the e-i-e-i ohhh
Karl is 20 lbs-got 1 of his molars in and has a bunch of teeth in the loves to steal Ariannas binky and make her cry. Monkey boy also walks around the grunting making the hulk sound.
Gabby is 21lbs 8oz-seems more advanced for some reason. She loves her baby dolls and will walk around with them all day. Gabs loves to sit on the couch and look out the window if she isnt at the door telling me she wants to go bye-byes. She is also along with her sister going to be my little dancer. The other day MTV spring break happen to be on and she was standing in front of the tv dancing away to some rap song...dont

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mission Control ....We Have 3 Walkers!!!

Its official we finally have 3 walkers or should i say 1 runner and 2 walkers..The beans are on the move and nothing seems to hold them back. They break out of baby jail, they try to sneak upstairs if we forget to lock the gate the right way, they are feeding the dogs sippy cups, cookies and binkies every time we look away..Gabriella can climb in and out of the baby swing~yes even though they are 15 months old they still love the swing so i refuse to put it away. We also had our first real boo-boo since the beans were born (yes i am a worry wart and a freak about safety so I guess the first boo-boo's should have come a long time ago) anyway yesterday I just got home from Dr. George with Karl and I didn't even get to take my coat off and he feel and hit his check bone on the tv stand. Thank god it wasn't bleeding that much and i put ice on his face right away so now he looks like a little tough guy with his scratch and puffy cheek. Wait that wasn't the only one yesterday about 20 minutes later Arianna and Karl were playing with the fisher price laugh and learn shopping cart and boom down goes Arianna all I see is gushing blood from her lip. Once again back to the freezer for ice! So Arianna now has a purple fat bottom lip :( I am telling you yesterday wasn't our day.

Heres some pics from Aunt Wendy's wedding...Aren't they the cutest flower girls and ring bearer you've ever seen???

Mommy and Karl

Daddy and Miss Gabriella on the dance floor

Mommy and her beans

Just the girls....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Long Overdue

I thought as the beans get older it would get a bit easier~boy was i wrong!!! I am so dam tired that once they go to bed lately i am right behind them. I feel like the day is just not long enough anymore. We have been busy with doctors appointments , play dates, my birthday, all the therapist coming in to work with them, my Dad was in the hospital, they were in a wedding Saturday night and the list goes on......Just to give you an idea of our schedule here it goes
Monday speech 11:30am to 1pm
social worker for family counseling 530-630pm
Tuesday special ed 430pm-6pm
Friday speech 11:30am-1pm
occupational therapy 4pm-5pm
Sunday occupational therapy 11am-noon

so this is just part of the schedule plus whatever comes up week to week...So does anyone want to come over and help keep the house clean and prepare the kids???? Come on any volunteers??

Gabriella is on the move, she walks like a little robot all over the house. For some reason my Gabby loves to climb on the couch and jump up and down. After a few weeks of this i have learned to turn my head and hope for the best~ i have made myself so nervous and I cant seem to keep her off the couch!! She now has 8 teeth and eats like a little lady. Miss Gab is such a little nerd during her sessions with the therapist that come in to work with the beans she loves to watch and sit through everyones sessions, heck i cant get the other 2 to sit through their own session.

Karl is still only taking a few steps at a time and has the same 6 teeth for months. All his teeth came out like crazy and then just stopped. He is just like his Daddy he loves to sit in the window or at the front door watching everything outside. I think his speech teacher is working because he is finally saying doggy and points to the dogs-when i ask him where are the doggies. He has become my best sleeper and is finally sleeping through the night again unlike his sisters.

Miss Arianna has found her voice~she feels the need to scream 24-7 at the top of her lungs, I am not talking about a cry scream I am talking about a full blown I am falling off a building scream. I know I say every month has fresh she has become but it keeps getting worse. She has such a innocent look to her but she loves to hit, steal toys and throw full blown tantrums. Arianna still has her same 4 little teeth, she has been taking a few steps but she is a speed crawler. Miss Freshy Fresh is not a fan of her therapy sessions at all~she has yet to sit through an entire session.

I have lots of new pics to update (wedding, play dates, the park) but the camera is downstairs, its 530am and I refuse to walk past the nursery because I do not want to wake anyone up. I will try to post pics later today. One last thing...would anyone like to do the March of Dimes with me? I will be setting up a team soon~its a chance to get some exercise, outing for the kids and a good cause... email me if you want to walk

As always please keep Morgan and her family in your prayers, she needs blood transfusions and is B+ so she can get o+ or B+ blood or you can donate platelets to her. I am going to make a trip into the city within the next few weeks to donate so if you want to come with me let me know.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Hanukkah~Merry Christmas~Happy New Year

Boy in a blink of an eye the holidays are over. This year the beans didn't seem interested at all in Santa or opening gifts. It took me weeks to get all the gifts wrapped and they didn't open not one!!!Since most of you know Marc is jewish so we decided to do Hanukkah with the kids as well as Christmas. I did the 8 nights of gifts with the kids but they were more interested in everything else except for the gifts. We had Christmas Eve at our house but that awful stomach virus decided to show its face the morning of Christmas Eve. My little monkey boy puked all over me a few times during the day and by the time our guests arrived I was the one doing the puking. Christmas day we went to Aunt Dots for dinner and on the way home in the car Gabby decided to barf all over..ughh the car smelt so bad and poor Arianna was stuck in the back row of the minivan with Gabby and she made a face like she was going to throw up too. On a better note everyone got it except for Arianna and Marc and we are all feeling better. My little cousin Nicole also came up to visit and spent the night with us. As far as New Years Eve we spent it at home and fell asleep before the ball dropped. These kids kick my butt and I can't stay up late is it that I am getting old and about to turn 31???No i didnt make any New Years resolutions, I mean honestly what for?? Year after year i make the same ones and I don't do nothing about them. What I will say is 2008 was an amazing year for me i was fortunate enough to be a stay at mommy which at times I wanted to pull my hair out but come bed time every night it is all worth it...i have watched my premiees turn into 3 healthy little people with 3 very different personalities which after everything I went through to conceive these miracles I never imagined being able to spend the last year the way I did.

During the past few weeks I had the children evaluated by Early Intervention. The team decided that Karl and Arianna need specialist for Speech, Special Ed (which consists of playing with toys properly, keeping the children's attention while reading a book, etc) and Occupational Therapy (which is for fine motor skills) . Gabriella needs Speech and Occupational Therapy. On Jan 8th we have to go in front of a board to see what they approve us for in the way of how many visits a week and how long overall. I am happy the kids are going to receive 1 on 1 time by trained professionals but at the same time it makes me sad to know my children are behind. I guess just being a mother you don't want to hear that even though I rather it get fixed now. I will keep everyone posted on our progress.

Moving along to the beans.....Gabby is the only one taking steps the other 2 rather crawl or hold on to something to get from one place to another. Arianna has been climbing on to her toys to escape baby jail. All 3 of them have learned the word thank you but they will only say it if you give them a cookie :) Mr Karl has been picking up the remote control, cell phones, house phone and toys holding them to his ear and saying he definitely takes after his father. For Christmas we bought them the new Elmo Live and when he falls down elmo says can you help elmo up please.....the kids keep knocking him down and picking him up they love playing with him. Tonight for the first time I gave them the pizza crust to chew on I had no idea those little teeth they have could devour the crust so quickly without anyone choking.

Before I finish up here I just wanted to ask everyone reading my blog to keep a special little girl in your prayers..She is a family friend and grew up with my in laws, her daughter Morgan is a twin and she is only 2 1/2yrs old and has cancer. Here is her webpage